
Sherri Humble


Here are some resources you might find helpful.


Adorama Learning Center: Photography store based in NYC. Lots of free articles and videos.


Digital Photography School: Free tips. Courses and E-books for sale.

David DuChemin: World & humanitarian assignment photographer, best-selling author, digital publisher, and international workshop leader. Website provides blog posts, podcasts, books, free tips and inspiration.

DP Review: provides coverage of digital photography gear, including news, articles and expert reviews. They maintain a comprehensive database of consumer digital cameras and provide an open, active community forums. They are a wholly-owned, editorially independent subsidiary of Amazon.com.

Friedman Archives Blog, Ebooks on Sony and many camera models, Seminars . Gary Friedman YouTube Channel

Mark Galer on YouTube: Sony Alpha, Lightoom, and Photoshop tutorials

National Geographic: Galleries, Videos, Articles

Northwest Council of Camera Clubs: A non-profit association of camera clubs in western Washington State. The Council provides a network to share  photographic expertise, promote regional competitions and communicate education opportunities.



Photomatics: HDR Software and education.

Photo.net: An online community since 1993 for photography enthusiasts providing a peer-to-peer educational platform for photographers ranging from hobbyists to professionals.

PopularPhotography: Photography Equipment, Camera Gear, Accessories, How To, Galleries, Contests

PSA – Photographic Society of America: A worldwide organization for anyone with an interest in photography. Founded in 1934, the Society is for casual shutterbugs, serious amateurs, and professional photographers. Individual and photo organization memberships offer a wide variety of services and activities: a monthly journal; online photo galleries; image evaluation; study groups; courses; competitions; an annual conference; opportunities for recognition of photographic achievement and service; and discounts on photography-related products and services.

Robi’s Camera Center, Lakewood, WA. One stop shop for all of your digital, film, photography, printing, and framing needs.

Sean Tucker on YouTube: A philosophical approach to life and capturing light.

Sharon Tenenbaum: Fine Art Photographer and Educator offering free educational talk and learn sessions (live during Covid-19 stay at home orders adn archives of past sessions availble to view)

The Slanted Lens on YouTube: Jay P Morgan brings humor and expertise to Photography and Lighting Tutorials for Photographers and Videographers, Camera and Lens Reviews, Equipment reviews, How-to Tutorials, Photography and Camera News, Photo Critiques, Cinematic Lighting, How to Shoot with Film, The Laws of Light, How-to use Strobes, Portrait Lighting, Video Production, Special Effects and More.

Tim Grey on YouTube: Tim Grey provides quick tips for photographers on a wide variety of subjects, including equipment, techniques, software, and much more. Each episode is hosted by Tim Grey, a photographer, author, and educator focused on helping photographers make the most of their photography.


Thomas Heaton on YouTube: Landscape Photographer.

Tony and Chelsea Northrup on YouTube: Photography tips and tutorials; Camera and lens reviews; Photoshop and Lightroom tips; Weekly photography news and photo reviews and Weekly LIVE show.

Shutterbug: Family Owned Camera stores based in Oregon

Strobist: Lighting education